Saturday, July 16, 2022

Jump Up the AGFLAP Chart to Solve Problems

Imagine this scenario. You have a problem you need to deal with but you feel unresourceful and unsure of how to proceed. Then, you think to yourself, why not release on it? But it seems too difficult to even begin releasing on the problem. This can happen when you're at the bottom end of the AGFLAP chart.

The best way forward is to change your emotional state so you feel capable of releasing. Is there a simple way to jump up the AGFLAP chart? Yes, there is. Choose to generate a feeling of gratitude for the problem! I know that sounds odd when you want to be rid of the problem. With this approach we are using gratitude as a resource we'll leverage to handle the problem. This is very different to dropping your intention to solve the problem because you feel comfortable.

You can choose how you feel. Don't let the problem dictate your emotional state. If you decide to feel grateful you'll be operating from Acceptance at the top end of the AGFLAP chart. Acceptance means seeing the situation as it is, facing the problem and deciding what to do from a highly energetic state. You'll have a clarity of mind and an ability to take action that is unavailable to you when you're stuck lower down the AGFLAP chart.

How to Jump Up the AGFLAP Chart

1 Notice you have a problem 

Accept that you feel unable to handle it. And know that you can shift your emotional state even if the problem persists. You're going to decide how you feel not the problem!

2 Decide to be grateful for the problem. 

Ask yourself: could you decide to be grateful for the problem?

Keep asking this question until you feel happier, lighter, more relaxed and a greater sense of possibility. When you truly feel grateful you will be in a state of Acceptance. That's a big shift - a jump from the bottom to the top of the AGFLAP chart.

3 Release on the problem

Use whichever releasing process works best for you. Now that you're in the highly energetic Acceptance state you'll find releasing far easier and faster. Decide to release until you feel PEACE, the top of the AGFLAP chart, whether you solve the problem or not. When you feel at peace regardless of the outcome you'll enjoy a clarity of mind that can produce new and unexpected solutions you would never have thought of when you were lower down the AGFLAP chart.

Go high to release, don't release to go high as Lester Levenson taught.