When you release on a goal, as you move up the chart of emotions you'll have greater clarity and more profound insights. Put another way, you're dropping more and more self imposed limitations as you go progressively higher up the chart, so your perception of reality more closely matches reality itself. You drop the clouded judgement produced by incorrect thinking and unresourceful feelings.
In a state of Wanting you'll get ideas that are of little value or practical use. Move up the chart to a state of Having and you'll see options and opportunities you never thought of before, you'll see possibilities where previously you could only see difficult problems.
If you persist and clear out every single piece of AGFLAP you'll become Hootless about the goal. This of course is the whole point of releasing - to become imperturbable about the goal. This is Step 1 of The 6 Steps.
In this high state of peace and freedom, your insights and new ideas will be far superior to what the Mind produced when you were in Wanting and in Having.
So when you make it to the Having state - don't stop! Keep digging, root out all of the thoughts and feelings in the way of becoming Hootless. It's what you must do to become Hootless and to experience your true nature. And this is when you'll tend to easily and effortlessly make your goal become real.