Thursday, May 16, 2019

Prove It Doesn't Work

When you first discover the Sedona Method/Release Technique you hear about the big promise of releasing. Testimonials speak of the great health, wealth and happiness generated by successful application of the releasing techniques. Your curiosity is stimulated, your desire for personal change becomes elevated and you wonder how soon you'll have your own big success story.

But it might take time and effort before you stack up a series of small wins. Then it might take even more dedication until you achieve a huge success. And that's why a lot of people get discouraged. They decide that unless they quickly and easily generate an enormous shift in their life that releasing just doesn't deliver on the promise.

This is a big mistake. Would you take a few singing lessons and expect to perform in a musical? Would you expect to take driving lessons for 6 weeks and then be ready to compete in a Formula One event? Of course not!

It takes trial and error, ongoing learning and determination to master any skill. And it's only mastery that can lead to an impressive performance of those refined skills. This applies to all skill acquisition even when you have a relevant aptitude. And yes, it applies to releasing too.

If you're frustrated because releasing isn't delivering huge successes I have a suggestion for you...

See if you can prove releasing doesn't work.
How? By following the releasing training materials to the letter. Go over the processes and absorb all of the details. Then, apply the techniques to a small goal and push the releasing technology to the limits to see if you can skillfully apply releasing to a small goal and still not produce a successful outcome.

Be like a scientist with a formula to be verified. Use the formula exactly as taught and give it your full commitment to see if a thorough application of the formula can fail. This means if you're releasing on a small goal that you go deeper and further into your releasing than maybe you ever have before. Until there is no emotional charge, positive or negative about the goal or issue. This is hard work.

And then if you can't prove the releasing formula doesn't work you'll have demonstrated to yourself that you can use releasing to produce small results. Now your belief in the formula is grounded in proof you'll have the self belief you need to us the formula again and again on progressively larger problems or goals.