1. Bring up the feeling of resistance, really feel it and allow it to go. This involves no thought about the nature of the resistance. Keep going until you feel lighter and freer.
2. Ask: what is my resistance to the goal.
e.g. what is my resistance to being fit?
Then, let go of each aspect of the resistance that pops up.
3. My BUT... technique
State the goal and add BUT to bring up resistance.
e.g. I allow myself to be fit BUT....
This might bring up responses like --
BUT I´m too lazy
BUT I´m too busy
BUT I´ll start another time
This is a great way to bring up more resistance to having the goal. Then, release in the usual way.
In all work with resistance I keep going until I feel lighter and freer about the goal. I will refer to the AGFLAP chart to see that I am in CAP before expecting that most of the resistance is gone.